Banyaknya turis asing dan dalam negeri ini tentunya mengundang investor yang terdiri dari pengusaha kecil, menengah dan pengusaha besar. Lalu apa hubungannya dengan Weekend Baking BCA yang buka pada hari sabtu dan minggu? pasti ada, berbagai transaksi perbankan dilakukan nonstop termasuk akhir pekan yang seharusnya bank tutup.
Jika hari biasa senin - jumat, anda malas untuk mengantri dengan alasan jam kerja anda yang produktif, namun dengan berlama lama macet dan mengantri anda akan rugi. Maka solusinya anda dapat lakukan pada hari sabtu yang lebih santai.
Perlu anda ketahui, khusus untuk daerah Bali. Jam operasional bank BCA menyesuaikan peraturan setempat, misalnya hari raya "Nyepi" maka pelayanan bank juga tutup sementara, bahkan sepanjang hari, untuk menghormati adat dan budaya setempat.
Dengan adanya Weekend banking Bank BCA yang buka hari sabtu ini, anda dapat melakukan berbagai transaksi perbankan. Misalnya; pembukaan rekening baru, setor tunai (mengisi saldo), transfer uang antar bank, pemindahan buku dan lainnya. Lalu dimanakan Alamat Kantor Bank BCA yang masih melayani hari sabtu? silahkan baca dibawah ini..
Bank BCA Weekend Banking Depansar - Bali Hari Sabtu Buka
1. Bank BCA KCU Denpasar - Bali- Alamat: Jl. Hasanuddin No.58, Pemecutan, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80232, Indonesia
- Telepon: +62 361 431012
- Hari/Jam buka: Senin-Jumat : pukul 08.00–15.00
- Weekend Banking : Sabtu pukul 10.00–15.00. Minggu Tutup
- (Nyepi) Jam kerja dapat berbeda
2. Bank BCA KCP Cokroaminoto Denpasar - Bali
- Alamat: Gg. Bambu, Pemecutan Kaja, Denpasar, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80116, Indonesia
- Telepon: +62 21 0500888
- Hari/Jam buka: Senin - Jumat : pukul 08.00–15.00
- Weekend Banking : Sabtu pukul 08.00–15.00. Minggu Tutup
- Khusus hari raya NyepiJam kerja dapat berbeda
3. Bank BCA (KCP by Pass Ngurah Rai) denpasar - Bali
- Alamat: Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai, No. 99 Blok A & B, Kuta Badung, Kompleks Pertokoan Ngurah Rai, Denpasar, Pemogan, South Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesia
- Telepon: +62 361 761767
- Hari/Jam buka: Senin-Jumat : pukul 08.00–15.00
- Weekend Banking : Sabtu pukul 08.00–15.00. Minggu Tutup
Ketahui Juga: BRI Weekend Banking Denpasar Bali Sabtu Minggu BukaBegitulah Informasi Lokasi, Alamat Bank BCA Yang buka Hari Sabtu
English Language Version...
The Bank BCA Weekend Banking, the city of Denpasar - Bali Saturday Open
The location information, Address of Bank central Asia (BCA) which open Saturday and Sunday (Weekend-Banking) Denpasar Bali - The city of Denpasar Bali is paradise destination for tourists. Even if you want to know the City of Denpasar-Bali is better known from the Jakarta. You can see the foreign tourists wandering along the way the city of Denpasar that we did not come across in Jakarta. Not only foreign tourists, local tourists in the land also come from across the city to witness the beauty of Bali.Many foreign tourists and in this land would invite investors that consists of a small, medium and large businesses. So what is the relation with Weekend-Baking BCA which open on Saturday and Sunday? There must be, various banking transaction done including the weekend that the bank should close.
If the normal days Monday - Friday, you lazy to waiting curiously with the reason for the working hours you a productive, but with linger long crunch and waiting curiously you will be lost. Then the solution you can perform on Saturday that more relaxd.
You need to know, specifically for Bali. Operational hours bank BCA adjust local regulations, for example the day of the feast of the "Nyepi day" then the ministry of the bank also close while, even throughout the day, to respect indigenous peoples and local culture. At this time the bank BCA weekends only serve saturday, for the day of the week remains close.
With the excitement of banking BCA which open this Saturday, you can perform various banking transaction. For example; opening new accounts, store of cash (fill the balance), the transfer of money between the bank and the transfer of the book and others. And where Office Address Bank BCA which still serve saturday? Please read below..
The Bank BCA Weekends the city of Denpasar - Bali Saturday Open
1. The Bank BCA Main Branch Office Denpasar - Bali- Address: Hasanuddin Street, No.58, Pemecutan, Denpasar Bali 80232, Indonesian
- Phone: +62 361 431012
- Day/opening hours: Monday - Friday : at 08.00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m
- Service Weekend-Banking : Saturday at 10.00 to 15.00. The week close
- Nyepi day, working hours can be changed
2. The Bank BCA Branch Helper - Cokroaminoto Aiding, Denpasar - Bali
- Address: Gg. bamboo, Pemecutan Kaja, Denpasar Bali 80116, Indonesian
- Phone: +62 21 0500888
- Day/opening hours: Monday - Friday : at 08.00 a.m. - 03:00 pm
- service Weekend-Banking : Saturday at 08.00 a.m to 03.00 p.m. The week close.
- The Nyepi day, working hours can be changed
3. The Bank BCA Branches Helper - by Pass Ngurah Rai, Denpasar - Bali
- Address: By Pass Street Ngurah Rai, No. 99 Block A & B, Kuta Badung, Complex Shops Ngurah Rai, Denpasar, Pemogan, South Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesian
- Phone: +62 361 761767
- Day/opening hours: Monday - Friday : at 08.00 a.m. - 03:00 p.m
- Service afternoon Weekend-Banking : Saturday at 08.00 a.m. - 03 p.m. The Week Close
- Nyepi day, working hours can be changed
Also Know: Bank of BRI Weekend Banking Denpasar Bali - Saturday and Sunday OpenThat information is Location, Address Bank of BCA Its open Saturday and Sunday (weekend banking) Denpasar Bali, if there are other locations that are open on a Saturday or Sunday, we are waiting for information from you, write in the comments box below ..
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